ways to engage

everything is connected © colin goedecke

everything is connected © colin goedecke


the opportunities are many-fold


from commissioning a poetorial, for a significant event. Like "Peace-ability" for the 2018 Winter Olympics. That elevates, underscores or adds unique dimension to it, or to a vision, theme, campaign. A constellation of written, spoken and visual poetics that moves people inside and out; engages their best selves; enlivens their imagining; helps them connect more to the heart of the matter and each other...

to acquiring unique editorial content to publish. From a rich body of existing written and visual poetry. or new-made content from this Poet & Poetorialist that can be commissioned, on assignment, to capture the poetic essence in word-and-image, of a chosen place or subject...

to bringing a poet laureate into your fold, to infuse a poetic sensibility rarely found inside organizations. A soulfulness and higher consciousness, throughout your culture, around your image, across your worlds. who can contribute and present original poetry and poetic experiences in varied forms, around important themes, events and interests...

to bringing greatly reflective, meditative notes of poetry and poetic voice to a retreat or conference: live readings and poetic guidings to help center and inspirit all those gathered; before, between and at the close of your sessions. Or to a healthcare setting: to infuse caregivers with nurturing energy or patients with healing energy. Or live readings of poetry for other kinds of private and public events and gatherings...

to curating poetry, either his own and/or pieces by other poets, as a complementary part of, added color and spice for special events, programs and sophisticated social functions...

…or evenings he’s part of, as a presence, as an evocateur, an enchanter ~ and can also theme end-to-end, with music playlists, paired visual and spoken poetry, and other colorful elements. Such as his immersive Poetry on the Plate and Poetry in the Glass experiences

to co-creating, working in collaboration on a project, for print, film, exhibition, theatre, an environment, or other venue or medium; where you're seeking written and/or spoken and/or visual poetry, and a creative partner of deep presence and vocal resonance

to shaping an immersive, connective experience for a small group in a workplace or elsewhere ~ an enlivening engagement ~ that helps opens everyone to the poetics of their beings and daily living, the poetic intimacy and vibrancy of their inner selves and outer worlds

to hosting this poet & poetorialist in residence, on a property, for a given time, to muse and create new flights of work, imprint his poetic spirit, and dedicate the outpourings to each patron, in turn, and return. Or have him as a virtual poet-in-residence, and poetic presence, for an online community


I invite you to explore the possibilities